I started my week off feeling great. We had a really good "Pep" day at school to get us motivated on MOnday, and then my students truly worked their hearts out (most of them) on their Reading MCT test. Jake was back at home, and Avery had been in a wonderful mood, and THEN- the stomach virus struck!! Really??? This week??? Well, I got over it, sort of, went back to school, and then got the call that Avery had it too! We're still keeping our finger crossed that Jake won't get it, but you know how that stuff works! Thankfully, Avery was home with Grammy that day, so she was taken care of, and she took formula this morning, so she's much better. I was so upset and felt so guilty the moment I knew for sure that she had it. Silly right? I know, but thinking of passing something that made me feel so awful on to my little angel was not a good feeling!
I forget just how irritable I can be when I am sick too- it's funny. I get this really aggrivated feeling, and then I stop and think- what am I really aggrivated about??? Hey, at least I recognize it! You just have less of everything when you don't feel well- less patience, less energy, less food, less good sleep, the list goes on. I don't think about it much, because frankly, I don't get sick that often. It's weird for me to have gotten the stomach virus for the 2nd time in 1 year. Is my immunity down after pregnancy or something??? Oh well, it just helps me realize how blessed I am with health, and I pray that continues for a long, long time!
Yuck! Hope you guys are on the mend!