Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Meet the Teacher Night, 2015

This is so crazy! I cannot believe that my little girl is starting Kindergarten, and even more, I can't believe I will be teaching Kindergarten right down the hall from her! We are both excited! Avery is in Mrs. McCarty's class, and I can tell she is wonderful. She is so kind and warm, and Avery can't wait to start school to be in her class. It feels good to be back in Pearl, and I feel very relieved knowing that my baby will be surrounded by people that will love on her and look out for her. Many of them are the very people who prayed so hard for her to be here in the first place! It's a great day to be a PIRATE!

The Night Before Kindergarten...

Avery's First Day of Kindergarten

We can't leave out this dude. Bryce-Man is in the very same class that Avery was at his age, and it's awesome that he will also have sweet Ms. Mary as his teacher. The ladies at Hinds have followed us since Avery left there, and I love that Bryce gets to go there this year. He had a wonderful first day of school!

The cutie in one of her uniforms...

I cannot get over how much Avery is growing and changing. She is such a beautiful girl, and she amazes us all the time with how far she has come. I know this year will be full of new things and challenges for her, but as always, I am sure she will conquer them all!

Update: Avery is doing amazingly well in Kindergarten. With her great memory, she doesn't have much trouble at all with sight words. She knows all of her letters and sounds, but she does have an issue with hearing herself sound out words correctly. What I mean is, she sounds them out just fine, but when she begins to say the word it isn't correct! As a teacher, I have seen this a lot, and it can be so frustrating! From what I have found, the only cure is more practice! If anyone has a tip, feel free to share! In math, Avery is also doing very well. Her teachers say that she needs little help from her Inclusion teacher, Mrs. Williams, and I am thankful for that! I love that she is surpassing my expectations. We had no idea what she'd do in school, and I continually get shocked by her and what she knows and is learning. It almost makes me feel bad for underestimating her! So far, Avery has all A's, and she is receiving +s on everything skill with the exception of a few at times. While her wpm is pretty low, I feel that she will only get better with time as she reads. She isn't at the suggested goal for STAR Early Literacy, however, she has shown tremendous growth since the first test. I for one, have always hated standardized testing, and I feel it can be very unfair to Special Education students, their teachers, and their schools. It is a necessary evil though, so I want her to do her very best to ensure her success as well as her teachers and her school. At the beginning of the year, we'd discussed medication for Avery due to her being so active and unable to focus. Dr. Van Norman felt it would be fine, and she knows how Avery is! We decided to wait and address it in December. Thankfully, Avery has done so well that we chose to forego looking into it any more for now. Mrs. McCarty said that even though Avery is very active, she doesn't feel it is a huge problem. I love that she cares for much for my child. Even if it means she has to put up with this bouncy red-head not sitting still, etc. I can tell she truly loves Avery! 

Bryce is doing great at Hinds! He has all the ladies thinking he's hilarious, and he is such a talker! He's a charmer. My favorite words to hear him say are "Boo-tiful" and "Ree-dic-uh-lus". He is a HOT MESS! 

Thank you God for placing such wonderful people around us! 

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