Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Avery's ENT Appointment

I took Avery in for her appointment with Dr. Carron today to check out this ear/hearing situation. It's so funny how different doctors appointments are now that she is walking and more vocal, lol. At least she has a good little personality (that is unless you are trying to examine her- then whewww!). She was smiling and walking up to another lady and her son who were waiting near us. She even shared her cheerios with her old NICU buddy Andrew, when we ran into him and Angela. Now, back to the appointment....I held the little fiesty one down while Dr. Carron tried his best to look in her ears (the nurse had her feet, lol), and the fluid is still on both ears. He said he thought she may have a temper when he came in and saw a red-head. Boy was he right. We will go back in 2 months to check them again, if she still has the fluid, looks like she may get tubes put in. If there is no fluid, then we will re-test her hearing. Dr. Carron didn't seem too concerned, and Avery isn't showing any symptoms of hearing loss, so hopefully, everything will be just fine in that department.

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