Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer, Summer. Summer Time! 2013

The summer is over???? I can't believe it. This was the fastest summer ever!! Two kids must make it fly by more quickly! We really had a great time together. Here is a recap of our summer happenings in no certain order!

We caught up with some old friends. I just don't get to see my greatest and oldest friends enough, but quality is more important than quantity! Avery, Bryce, and I were able to have lunch with Nicole, Alexa, and Donna at Taco Casa. 

We celebrated Avery's birthday for a second time at Grammy's house. Avery was all decked out for dance by the time we left! 

Avery was so excited to go to dance camp! The first two days, Avery came in and out of the room to see us  constantly. By the third day, she only came out for a potty break! It was a great way to see if she would like dance class, and Avery really enjoyed learning something new. Jake and I were both surprised by what she'd learned the last day when we were able to watch class. She did have several moments of free-style, but she listened and tried to do everything her teacher, Ms. Leah, taught her. She also made friends with Raven. We have her all signed up for Miss Whitney's class in the fall, and she can't wait! 


We spent lots of time outside, and Bryce got in the baby pool for the first time. He loves swinging too! On those fussy, teething days, the swing satisfied him. Our little man loves the outdoors!

Aunt Faith and her girls came in and met Bryce-Man for the first time. This is a little onesie they brought him- "Rad Like Dad."

More outdoor fun...
Popsicles and Shades
Window Markers
Jammin' Jeep Rides

Ready for some baseball!

We stopped by the car show at Wal-Mart to support our children's hospital, and Avery was able to take some pictures, thank some folks, and "drive" a couple fancy cars! 

Taking a nap was a struggle for our little red-head this summer! She goes so much that she seriously needs one daily, but it doesn't always happen. I basically held her down this day until she fell asleep! 

Avery loves the Splash Pad! We went with our friends, the Martins, for the first time. While she was hesitant at first, Avery didn't want to leave by the end of our time there. 

 As usual, we had several check-ups this summer. Avery's cardiology appointment went pretty well. Her pulmonary valve (cadaver valve) is leaking pretty significantly, but her heart is handling it well. We won't be doing anything as long as this is the case. Dr. E will continue to monitor it on an appointment to appointment basis until her heart becomes weak again and needs surgery. Even though her teacher at school and speech therapist had concerns, Avery's eyes checked out just fine at her yearly check-up. She also had a positive check-up with Dr. Carron and doesn't need tubes again at this time. She did have a little infection, but the main issue we've had with fluid is beginning to resolve itself it seems. She is also getting some allergy and asthma testing done soon to check out some concerns. Avery's growth is going well with her hormones and her blood work is looking good. We will continue thyroid meds and hgh treatment- she is getting so big!  Avery is still doing a great job at appointments with little screaming and crying!

Avery loves VBS Kid Extreme!! It was her first year to be old enough, and she is still talking about it! Pop's daughter, Ann, helped teach her class, so they got to spend time together. Avery learned about Paul and most importantly that, "God loves me and I boo-tiful." The preschoolers sang the songs they learned at out VBS celebration the Sunday after, and Avery really got into singing and showing off some moves. It was hilariously cute!

 We spent some quality time with Cooper before he moved to Ohio. These cousins love a good bouncy house! I can't express how much we already miss Mitch, Becca, and Coop, but we know God has led them to a place to do His work. We are happy and sad all at the same time. Coop and A-A love one another so much!

Mr. Bryce had his baby dedication at church recently. Miss Lauren said he would be called "Bryce Big Boy Bell!" 

7 Months! Bryce is sitting up pretty well now. He's still trying to get a top tooth to come through. He is as strong as an ox, so hold on tight when he's in your arms!
Bryce-Man seems to be hitting all of those milestones so far with no issues. Crawling may take some time because of his size (and rottenness), but he will get there.

 Jener came in for his usual visit this summer. He has grown into such an amazing young man, and we are very proud of him! Avery and Bryce both adore him, and he is so patient while playing with them. Avery had so much fun with her big cousin! We went to the splash pad downtown, played in the park, and at lunch at Lillian's. We also made a stop by the Coke Museum for a few Coke Floats and some rock candy!

Bryce's First 4th of July!

Avery really enjoyed fireworks this year (scary)! She and her daddy had lots of fun! Avery is definitely our little firecracker!

 This little girl isn't afraid of the lawn mower any more! As a matter of fact, it's hard to get her off the thing. She had fun cutting the grass with her daddy.

Avery went to her first movie...Despicable Me 2! She did a lot of whining on the way in and was pretty nervous. We had a lot of potty breaks, but once she realized what it was all about, she really enjoyed herself! She wore her sunglasses inside for comfort (and coolness). Avery loves Despicable Me, so we stopped by and got a little "Dave" on the way home too!

Daddy decided to have a little fun with Avery. He let the dare devil slide into her pool and play in the sprinkler. She loved it and thankfully, didn't have any accidents!

Mommy and Daddy had a little date night for the first time in a very long time! We took a couple of hours off and headed down to Rusty's for some dinner.

Daddy turned 30 this summer! Avery made him several cards, picked out a key chain to give him, and made a fabulous cake with her Grammy. This little lady loves her daddy SO much!

 The MS Children's Hospital Radiothon isn't until the Spring, but they asked us to record a vignette for it this summer. Avery, her daddy, and I went to 98.7 and recorded our story. We even got Avery to say, "Tank-u" in the mic! I decided to take Avery out for a "girls only" day afterwards. We went for lunch at her favorite spot, Chick-fil-a, and shopped for school supplies at Target.

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