Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy 1/2 Birthday Bryce-Man!

And the child grew and became strong in spirit.
~Luke 1:80

Bryce Allen is now 6 months old! While even Dr. Van Norman was surprised that he only weighed in at 19 pounds and 1 ounce, he still looked perfect at his check-up! B-Man is 26.25" long and his head circumference is 18" (Nurse Matt says he has a lot of "brains" in there). Bryce has begun to do so much just in the past week. Several days ago, he said his first babble of words...."Da-Da" of course. B makes a lot of noises and squeals when he is playing. He also loves to drool and make spitting noises. His favorite place (other than in our arms) inside is the jumper, and his favorite place outside is in Avery's old pink swing. He loves it outside, and he's had fun in Avery's little pool some this summer. Bryce (the rotten little man that he is) is still sleeping in our room, but we are transitioning him to his own bed (which is now in our room, lol). It wouldn't be fair to have let 
A-A do it for all those years and not let him, right? :) 
He now has two (front, bottom) teeth, and it was a struggle cutting those things. Avery did so well with teething, and now we realize that it was probably because she has such a high pain tolerance. Needless to say, Bryce had the ear and tummy aches and pains and was very fussy through it. Along with his constant drooling, everything goes to his mouth. He does very well playing with toys, and he tries to grab everything near him. He is able to exchange items between his hands, and he also grabs his feet and plays with them often. He still loves his stuffed puppy, Buster, and likes just about any other toy that feels good on his gums! Bryce gets in the crawling position when on his tummy, but he isn't going any where just yet. It will take him a little time to get to that point. He still doesn't roll over much, but he goes back and forth from his side to back when on the floor playing. Bryce is primarily a supported sitter, but he will be sitting up totally on his own in no time! 
It looks like we have another "Yo Gabba Gabba" fan on our hands (sheesh!) because he perks right up when it comes on the T.V.. He gets excited and really pays attention to it. Bryce is now getting baby food and juice regularly, and we haven't experienced any allergies yet. He is wearing more 9 months clothes than anything else at the moment, and he could fit in 12 months if it runs a little small! Bryce-Man is usually all smiles, and he's been really good in the nursery at church and at daycare so far. He really enjoys Avery and usually smiles and laughs whenever she is in sight. 
Bryce is an absolute joy, and he's at my favorite baby stage right now. We all love snuggling with him and couldn't feel more blessed having him as a part of our little family. ♥

Bryce Allen Bell, 6 Months...

Bryce Swinging...

Bryce in his onesie from Aunt Faith...

Bryce in the pool...

Bryce and his big sister...

Bryce's first 4th of July...

One awesome kid...

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