Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Fall Again Y'all!

A little update...We recently had an IEP meeting to get Avery started with speech therapy. Boy, it was a weird feeling sitting on the other side of the table as someone went through that paper work with her daddy and me! Thankfully, Avery is in the average range for everything (even a pretty high score in "self-help") they evaluated her on during testing except for articulation. I think she will have lots of fun with Mrs. Angie, and they will do the therapy twice a week right at her school. I am hoping she will nip any bad habits in the bud, and Avery will be out of therapy before beginning Kindergarten. Either way, I know she will be fine in this area. She's already made lots of progress since beginning the school year at her new daycare. She's even picked up a few bad habits that she likes to share with us at home! I guess she observes at school and sees what happens when she does it with her mommy and daddy because I know she she an angel with everyone else! She did, however, get a sad face note for the first time last week! Apparently, Avery was playing (and not sleeping) during nap time. It was hard not to laugh when we had to "talk" to her about it! Normally, she gets happy face notes stating she did "awesome" that week, so I can't complain. Avery has her cardiology and endocrinology appointments coming up in December, and other than a sinus infection (and recurring runny nose), she is doing great! 

Miss Avery played model at Blair E. Batson recently. She really enjoyed it. She will be in their 2013 calendar, and the pictures looked like they were going to be really cute!

Avery and Cooper were too quiet not to check on them! We found them like this watching Fresh Beat Band in GG and Papaw's bed!

We had a little shower with friends for Suzanna and Baby Grayson, and my dear friend was able to come by for a visit the next day. It's a great feeling to have friends like this that you've grown up with! I also got to see "Uncle Kevin" for the first time in many years! He very sweetly brought Avery a present, and she really enjoyed getting to meet my old friend from high school. 

The 1st Annual Tucker Cross/MC Alumni Game was a success! Avery and all the kids had a great time (even if the weather wasn't all that great), and money was raised for Batson in honor of sweet Tuck!

Coachs' Kids

Uncle Mitch and Daddy

Kayla, Kayce (Tuck's mommy), and Me

Driving the cart

Old Teammates, Daddy, Uncle Mitch, and Josh Cooper
Tucker's Daddy, Brett

Uncle Mitch getting all beat up

Brett, Daddy, and Dakota

Coop and Avery cheering them on 

Daddy, Uncle Mitch, Coop, and Mark 


Avery went to the Pumpkin Patch with her school this year! Thankfully, Grammy was able to tag along for her first field trip. I was sad I couldn't make it, but I know she had a blast with her Grammy and friends. She made a "pider" (spider) pumpkin this year!

Avery helped mommy make some pumpkin play dough just for fun. She was very proud of it and has enjoyed playing with it ever since. 

I have funny husband that loves to pick on me, but he can also be very sweet and thoughtful. He's been sending me silly pics of him and Avery every morning to tell me to have a good day. 

 Mrs. Linda made this a-dor-a-ble shirt for Avery. It says, "Everyone is Thankful for Me." Yes, we are! 

Avery and Daddy did a little fall painting- a witch, a pumpkin and a ghost. I think Daddy had the most fun!

Avery and Coop had fun on a play-date at our house. It included Happy Meals for two, jumping on the bed, and a jammin' band session. 


The Doc is In!
Avery was a cardiologist for Halloween! She loves watching "Doc McStuffins" on Disney these days and has been playing with her doctor's kit (giving check-ups), so we thought a doctor was a good idea for a costume. Mommy was thinking she could wear them again when Baby Bryce comes in January- gotta love a dual purpose costume, lol. 

Even Miss Scarecrow needs a check-up!

Don't forget about Daddy. 

We love our girl!

We went to Trunk or Treat at church again this year, however, Avery was pretty scared of all the costumes. She had fun riding on the train and playing one or two games, but that was the end of it! Mommy and Daddy didn't mind much because it was pretty cold! 

Dr. Avery ran into her teacher, Ms. Dixie, at Trunk or Treat! 

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