Friday, November 25, 2011

Twinkle, Twinkle- My Little Star

Mommy: Twinkle, twinkle, little-
Avery: star
Mommy: How I wonder what you-
Avery: are
Mommy: Up above the world so-
Avery: high
Mommy: Like a diamond in the-
Avery: sky
Mommy: Twinkle, twinkle, little-
Avery: star
Mommy: How I wonder what you-
Avery: are

I've always sung (not well) to Avery, but she has just begun to sing along. Her favorite songs to chime into at the moment are "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and "Old Macdonald." 
Some words Avery says at 2...
Daddy, Mommy, Mama, Mammy (for Grammy), GG, Papaw, Cooper (Popper), Mitch (D-ietch), shot (sot), bath, blue, green (geen), yellow (wewow), pink (kink), purple, monkey (keke), dog, puppy, bye-bye,  baby, Muno, Brobee, Pex, Foofa, cat, night-night, car, juice, cup, snack, Mary (Mar-we), yes (suh), no, candy, LuLu, Ally, Fresh Beats, Gabba, shoe, pants, apple, BoBo, KoKo, Pinky, fly, jacket, hair, eye, nose, foot, shoe, bow, toe, mouth, teeth, arm, hand, head, knee, leg, open, off, close, cold, light, door, outside, shirt, sock, Amen (ma-men), cookie, hot, spoon, Minnie, Mickey, up, whoa, yeah, Avery, tea, bowl, water (wa-wa), tee-tee, stinky, poo-wee, Dora, Boots, flower (fow-wuh), bubble, oh, chicken, bock-bock, turkey, gobble-gobble, quack-quack (wack-wack), uh-oh, plane, ewww, yucky, ice (100), star, are, high, sky, Tink, tree, nice, monkey (ke-ke), ‘mon (come on), see you, princess, Tink, sticker, big girl, Nanny, Annie...

She is beginning to string 2-3 words together as well. The funniest things she says, are the words with the "s" sound because she has a slight lisp- really cute! Her daddy has her saying "nice" when something is good, which is hilarious! She says "mon mommy" and "mon daddy" too. 

Happy Thanksgiving, 2011

We had another wonderful Thanksgiving this year! We spent Thanksgiving day in Braxton at Grammy and Papaw's house, and then enjoyed more family time in Vicksburg the following Sunday. Of course we ate too much, but doesn't everyone? It was a great time with family- I love this time of year! 

Ephesians 1:3
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

God is Great...

God is great,
God is good,
Let us thank Him
For our food,

Before our meals, we've taught Avery to hold our hands and say the blessing. I remember my heart skipping a beat the first time she reached out to grab our hands, reminding us it was time to pray! She smiles so big, and now she expects to pray before each meal. She used to just clap her hands at the end and say "yeah!" More recently, she began to say "Ma-Men" at the end! The other night, Jake and I looked at each other in surprise as Avery grabbed our hands and then jibber-jabbered the prayer herself as we bowed our heads, ending it with a big"ma-men" and a smile! It is special moments like that which make me feel like I must be doing something right! God is great, and I have one special little girl who shows me that each and every day!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!

Avery was the cutest little "fly-fly" I have ever seen! I was worried at first that she would not wear her Halloween costume. She had a little meltdown the first time I tried it on! Thankfully, she got over it, and began to enjoy herself in it after that. We went to Trunk or Treat at our church this year on Sunday, and Avery went with GG and Papaw to Uncle Mitch's church on Saturday. We also went trick or treating for the first time this year. Mr. Brian, Mrs. Anna, and Ella invited us to go on their street in Patrick Farms. We just went to a few houses, but Avery was a natural! As soon as she realized there was candy involved, she were moving as fast as she could to get to the front door of each house, regardless of her usual stranger anxiety! She was sweet and polite to the candy givers saying, "tank-tu." She did have a bit of a fit on the way home when we didn't let her have ALL of the candy in her bucket!

FLY little butterfly FLY!

I am definitely thankful for YOU!

              Needless to say, she had a fun-filled three days playing games, running around, and getting candy!
It was so much fun watching Avery dress up and have such a great time this year!