Saturday, March 23, 2013

Avery and Bryce Update

Bryce went to his very first baseball game at MC! Miss Kayla gave him a sweet bib and matching shoes and Dakota's mom, Ms. Bodree, gave him a baseball hat, so he was ready to play. Surprisingly, it went really well. Avery didn't run off or try to do anything dangerous (like climb up to the bleachers). I carried Bryce in the sling, so I was able to take her back and forth to the restroom. I was happy that I didn't have to chase Avery around too much, and she was a good girl! If you've ever seen us at a game, you know that I run after her from one end of the field to the others nonstop usually! I guess she is really growing up! 

 Mr. Bryce also attended church for the first time recently. He loved being rocked in the nursery at Crossway (his first service) and at FBB (by Ms. Sylvia who also used to rock his sister). He is such a good baby boy! 

 I cannot believe Bryce is already 2 months old! He is smiling all the time (at most everyone), and winning hearts left and right. He makes sweet cooing noises (along with the usual grunts), and responds excitedly when spoken to. His umbilical hernia and hydrocele look much better, so I am hopeful they are healing on their own. He is eating well too! I tried a little rice cereal in his bottle the other night, but he still woke up 3 hours later!! I am learning to get by with little sleep and  a very busy schedule! He is still an awesome baby who hardly cries. Bryce loves his bath and is so relaxed when I bathe him each night. I think he is teething a bit early (just showing symptoms) because he is rubbing his fist on his gums a lot. He has been a little fussy when doing it at times too. Bryce also seems to enjoy sucking his thumb! While he looks really sweet doing it, I tend to replace it with his paci to avoid a habit forming. He's done really well at daycare so far too. He is taking a bottle while there, and I am able to pump twice a day at work to keep him supplied! Ms. Mandy did say that one of the cute little girls in his class is a little jealous of him! I know Avery enjoys seeing him when she arrives each morning. I take him early, and Jake drops Avery off a bit later. I miss them both so much throughout the day, but I am glad they are both happy and well taken care of while I am at work. 

Uncle Mike and Jener came to town to meet Bryce and visit everyone recently. Avery and Cooper adore their oldest cousin! They followed him everywhere at GG's house. Jener has always had such a loving and sweet spirit. He plays with them and keeps them entertained the entire time he is here. 
Avery will finally allow her Uncle Mike (and Uncle Mitch) to hold her for more than a few seconds now! She thought Uncle Mike was a pretty funny guy. They both loved on Bryce too, but Jener informed me that I didn't need to have any more babies, lol. 

We are overwhelmed with joy that Papaw is back from Houston with a great report! The cancer is no longer in his lymph nodes, and the chemo apparently worked! He did have some edema in the back of his neck, so he will be getting therapy for that. He will return to MD Anderson in May for a PET scan, and we will continue to pray that he is completely healed! Since he's lost over 70 pounds, I notice just how much my oldest brother, Michael, and him look alike! 

 I took this sweet picture of Avery and Cooper having an ice cream party at GG's house. Mr. Robert changed it up a bit, and it is so adorable and true! Avery and Coop had a fun weekend playing at "the bouncy house" and GG and Papaw's! 

Avery is doing much better lately! She seems to be adjusting to having a baby brother around the house. She  has been minding better rather than constantly acting out, and she hasn't had an accident (potty) in over 4 days now! I felt so defeated with her during my maternity leave, but as my mom would say, "This too shall pass," and it seems to be passing, I love being able to reward her and show her how happy she makes me instead of being a constant disciplinarian. Using my "teacher voice" at home isn't much fun! 
Avery has been singing a lot and playing pretend, which I think is really cute. Her speech is getting better and better as well, and she enjoys her time with her therapist, Ms. Angie. For some reason, she always tells me about what color jacket or shirt Ms. Angie wears after school. Avery definitely notices what people wear, and she tries to dress everyone in our house these days! Jake tries to shut her out of the closet because it takes forever to get dressed with her in there! Avery plays in the rocks from the playground daily and makes birthday cakes, lol. When I picked her up from school the other day, she stopped to get rocks out of her shoes and handed them to Miss Candace. The next thing I know, she is taking rock after rock out of her pants and jacket pockets and handing them to her as well! It took so long that Candace finally scooped Avery up, took her outside, and shook her upside down to get them all out! I found it pretty entertaining! The girl makes our life trying and difficult at times, but it's mostly so interesting and fun!  

I won't claim that going back to work has been easy, but I made it through the first week! Trying to keep up with a full-time teaching job, two young kids, and a household while Daddy is busy with baseball season is quite the job, but I think I am doing okay! If I can make it now, it will be a breeze once the season is over and Bryce is sleeping through the night (Oh, when will that day come?)! It felt so good to sleep in this morning and snuggle with my kids when Avery crawled in bed after waking up! I am so very thankful for the abundance of blessings in my life. I have to constantly remind myself to slow down, to notice and enjoy little moments, to take the time to appreciate my children being all goes by so quickly. 

Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bryce Update and Blair E. Batson Radiothon 13

Well, my little man is already 6 weeks old! He is such a chunk! Bryce is eating about every 2 hours. He may go 3-4 once a night sometimes. I am not getting much sleep to say the least! Because I had a section, we started him out in our bed sleeping in the Nap Nanny between us, but now he is sleeping in the bassinet on the side of the bed. I just can't bring myself to put him in his room yet, and I really don't feel like having to go into his room through the night to feed him as often as he wakes up right now! Bryce is still the sweetest baby, and we all adore him! He is following objects (and us), smiling, and doing some cooing. He holds his head up pretty well, but Dr. VN said he is leaning to the right too much. He needs to strengthen his left neck muscle, so we are doing some exercises to help with that. She said if we start now, he shouldn't need any PT at a later age. I guess it has to do with babies having to sleep on their backs now? I wasn't sure why his belly button is protruding, but at his appointment, she said he has a hernia there (his button never completely closed up). Dr. VN says it is pretty common and shouldn't be a problem, so I am hoping nothing comes of it. He also has some fluid in his lower "area" (hydrocele), but she doesn't think that is a hernia. She said it should clear up by age 1. Anything "wrong" is a little nerve racking for me, but I guess if Dr. VN isn't worried, I shouldn't be. From what I've read she is right. Bryce was pretty fussy after getting his shots. I could tell his little legs were sore, and he cried whether I was holding him or he was lying in his seat. The day after went much better, but he is still being a little fussy and eating a bit differently. He weighed in at 11 pounds and 15 ounces! He is in the 90% for weight and 95% for height. His head circumference is in the 50%. Bryce-man is Mommy's big boy! He will start daycare (at Avery's school) in two weeks! I am so sad to get back to work after spending so much time with him, but it has been a blessing. 

Bryce smiling at Daddy and A-A...

Crazy sister...

Just to verify "chunk" status! 

Ready for his 6 week check-up!

Bryce relaxing right before he got his first shots :( 

Bryce sleeping on his GG :) 

In other news....

We went to the Blair E. Batson Radiothon yesterday, and I was able to share our story with 4 different radio stations this year. I was so happy to bring Avery (and Bryce) along this year. Thankfully, Grammy came along, or I wouldn't have been able to do it with both kids! Avery had a blast because there is a new play area in the lobby! She loved it! I tried to get her to sit with me during the interviews, but I should have known that wouldn't work. She did sit with me for a moment for the first one on Y101. I think that is the reason I got choked up while trying to tell about our journey (that and the crazy post-prego hormones). Avery was extremely excited about getting a t-shirt, and she had to put it on over her clothes! She played with one of our favorite NP's, Ms. Alicon, and our sweet surgery coordinator, Ms. Krisi, who came down to visit and pick up heart pillows. The Y101 DJ and Ms. Amanda both had Avery sign her picture in this year's Batson Miracle calendar, so she thought she was really something! She was also in awe of a sweet little red head named Laney who was wearing a tiara. Avery thought she was a real princess (and I agree). She actually wanted to sit and take a picture with her. We also ran into Dr. Carron who was happy to see Avery running and playing (not screaming and crying at the sight of him). I told him she was way better than the last visit he had with her! I hope I am right at the next appointment which is this month, lol!

 From the Batson FB page....This cutie pie is in the lobby right now talking to some DJs who are falling in love with her! Call and donate in Avery's honor to help her and the patients treated all across the state by Batson Children's Hospital. 601-984-5437

Avery and Bryce in the new play area...How will we ever make it to our appointments now?

 Avery hanging out with Ms. Alicon and Ms. Kristi

Honoring Avery, Christopher Pena and many others by wearing "Jeans for Genes"- Rare Diseases Day 

After the Radiothon, Avery dropped our donation from Pearl Upper Elementary in the treasure box, and we headed down to cardiology to take Dr. E a little happy (he loves Cups coffee) and card she'd made for him. We got to see Nurse Regan, but Dr. Ebeid was out of town. It was so sweet of Ms. Joan to send us a picture of the card she made on Dr. E's door waiting for him. He told Nurse Regan that he couldn't wait to get home to see it and to tell us thanks! I love the positive experiences Avery is able to have now at Batson. It literally makes my heart smile to see her that way. That hospital and all of the staff there mean so much to us, and we are grateful to be a part of anything that supports its progress.